So before the football game last night (GO BRONCOs!!), I needed to move the mower back into the shed.  So i grab my flashlight and head outside (after spraying bug spray on me) and for some reason, I decide that I want to finish the back yard real quick.  The only thing that I forgot, is the fact that you really can’t see what’s out there…..and I have trees…..and for some reason around here, spiders like to make webs in trees.  Soooooo, as I’m driving I feel this thin thread of sticky stuff across my face…..and then something moving on my head……

I FREAKED….jumped off the moving lawn mower and if you would have seem me, you would have thought I lost my mind and was trying to rip my head off…..LOL.

But the good news is what ever it was got crushed in my spazz session, and I promptly pulled the mower into the shed and went into the house to watch the game……


I think the lesson I learned is NOT TO MOW AT NIGHT….  LOL.