Flight of the Conchords Ep 3 Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros – YouTube
LOL….these guys crack me up…. “They call me the hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless…..” “Be more constructive with your feedback..please”
LOL….these guys crack me up…. “They call me the hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless…..” “Be more constructive with your feedback..please”
Sandra and I decided to try a “local joint” on the way home from Charlotte. We took the back way home (I don’t like taking highways…lol), so she got to decide where to eat. She picked a local place in […]
Don’t forget to visit the website and social media accounts of my favorite artist, Sandra Lett (Trumpfheller)!! She is a wonderful person, that is a wonderful artist!!! Go to http://sandralett.com for more information and to see her art!!! On her website, […]
This awesome piece of art was completed in August of 2017, by Sandra Lett, artist. This, and many of her pieces can be seen at http://www.SandraLett.com.
With the new WordPress updates, I had some some issues with my theme and had to change….I am looking at redoing some of the theme aspects that I liked, and get rid of the ones I did not……so we shall […]
Sandra and I traveled to Wilmington to drop off some paintings and see our good friends, Jane and John. We decided to stop into one of our favorite food joints (Sweet-n-Savory) for lunch before heading back to the homestead.
15 Dec – The Linden Fireman’s Association celebrated their year end with a Christmas Party held at Westarea Station 20. Family members were greeted by, and children received early gifts from Santa Claus. The station Line Officers served dinner that […]
Westarea Fire Department provided 2 vehicles and crew members for the 2017 Erwin Christmas Parade. Engine 2034 from Station 20, and Brush 2042 from Station 25 represented the district on the 4th of December in Erwin, NC. This year, the […]