Crock Pot PERFECT Corn on the Cob
Crock Pot PERFECT Corn on the Cob is the best ever. Boiling the corn you may find also boils out some of the flavor, where making it in the crock pot keeps the flavor in!
Sandra Lett, Artist | Sandra Lett, Artist
Sandra cares a lot about people, has enjoyed a full life; yet has had soul searching times in her life as well. Being an artist is at the heart of her soul. Source: Sandra Lett, Artist | Sandra Lett, Artist
Day 6 of my 7 day black and white photo challenge
Day 6 of my 7 day black and white photo challenge. No people, no explanations. [PiwigoPress id=115 url=’’ size=’me’ name=’1′ desc=1 class=’img-shadow’ opntype=’_blank’ order=’undefined’]
Greg’s Sloppy Joes
Awesome Sloppy Joes Recipe!! You can replace water for the white vinegar to take away the “twang”. All my family Loves this!! Print Recipe Greg’s Sloppy Joes This is a sweet but tangy (and easy!) Sloppy Joe recipe. Servings Ingredients […]
B&W Photo Challenge
Day 5 of my 7 day black and white photo challenge. No people, no explanations. [PiwigoPress id=113 url=’’ size=’me’ name=’1′ desc=1 class=’img-shadow’ opntype=’_blank’ order=’undefined’]
Family Selfie!!
Oct 26, 17 Fort Jackson, S.C. – Today is the day that @PatrickTrumpfheller graduates Army Basic Training. A culmination of 10 weeks of Army education and training led to this fantastic occasion. @Sheri Trumpfheller (Pat’s Mom) flew in from Colorado […]
Private Patrick Trumpfheller
No words can express how proud I am of my son, Patrick. I see such a great future for him, and I will always be proud!! Today I saw a man march out of the smoke, and ready to take […]
Family Day Video!!!
Family Day Presentation of the troops at Fort Jackson SC. Private Patrick Trumpfheller graduates tomorrow….so we got to spend the day with him!!!
Arizona Rose
Arizona Rose getting ready to go watch Patrick get prepared for graduation. Today is Family Day, first time we get to see Patrick in 10 weeks. I am so proud of my Soldier, Patrick!!!