22 Years ago today, you blessed my life….and have been blessing every day since. Happy Birthday Patrick Brian! I love you, dad
22 Years ago today, you blessed my life….and have been blessing every day since. Happy Birthday Patrick Brian! I love you, dad
We will definitely be there for the show, just not sure which division or which horse to show!! IPWHR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW CHBOA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW NAHR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 9 AM – UNTIL SATURDAY – NOVEMBER 9, 2013 […]
Crock-Pot Cowboy Casserole Recipe Type: Crock Pot Prep time: 30 mins Cook time: 5 hours Total time: 5 hours 30 mins Serves: 6-8 I haven’t tried this, but soon…..LOL Ingredients 1 onion, chopped 1 lbs. ground beef, browned and rinsed […]
Crock Pot Cinnamon Rolls Recipe Type: Crock Pot I’d like to share a yummy cinnamon roll recipe that you can make in the crock pot. Your home will smell delicious as they cook! At least that is what they say!! […]
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure… it just means you haven’t succeeded yet. ~Robert Schuller To think you are a loser is the beginning of failure. To succeed, you must dare […]
The last of her major painting projects completed today!! The hall and the entry Way!! Soon she will be onher way home and I will be able to see her!!!
Just wanted to take a moment and say TGIF!!! This week has been semi-exhausting–work has been busy, and stuff around the house to do! Today (Friday) all our virtual servers stopped working, and of course, my servers are the ones […]
Today Sandra painted Julie’s Den…it was a combination of ugly green, wall paper, and the red fireplace.
Today Sandra was painting some rooms at her sister’s Julie’s house. Today she finished painting the sun room and started working on the fireplace. The sun room was originally blue, and one wall is the backside of the fireplace. The […]
The road ahead is dark and dusty, but I am not afraid or scared. For you are by my side, holding hands, this trip between us is shared.As long as we are together, we are as strong as ever. And […]