Instagram and #Hashtags
Instagram hashtag
Instagram and Hashtags have changed the way users search and find content

This is the third in a chain of articles on using #hashtags for social media platforms.  The first one “Social Media – Hashtags” covered the basic idea of hashtags, some history,and a little usage in the overarching scheme of social media.  The second article “Facebook and #Hashtags”covered the use within the Facebook social media platform.  This article will cover Instagram and the use of #hashtags within that specific social media platform.

As stated in the previous articles, #hashtags are a very useful marketing tool to add to posts, media, pictures, and videos.  Each of the social media platforms use #hashtags for basically the same thing, but each one also varies in how the algorithm views and searches them.  The algorithms are kept close hold by each platform.

In Instagram, including the right #hashtags on your posts will ensure a higher engagement with people than you would if you didn’t have any.  Why?   #Hashtags are a combination of letters and numbers, preceded by the # symbol (e.g. #AcrylicPainting, #InstagramHashtags) which categorize content and make it more discoverable. Anyone who clicks on a hashtag or searches for it will see a page with all the posts tagged with it.

Where your post appears on this page depends on how often it is used, how popular your post is, when you shared it, and the strength of your audience. The higher your post appears the easier it will be more discoverable by people who don’t follow you.

People Can Follow #Hashtags

Follow hashtag on instagram
Click the Follow button to follow a hashtag on Instagram

On Instagram, people can follow #Hashtags.  This means that your post can show up on a person’s feed even if they do not follow you.  If the content you are showing, sharing, and tagging with relevant #hashtags, many of them might start to follow you.

Using The Same #Hashtags Over And Over Is Not a Good Idea!

If a user is following a certain #hashtag and sees something they do not like, there is an option they can select not to show for that certain #hashtag.   This feature is designed for the Instagram algorithm to learn what content a particular user likes or dislikes.  So if too many of your posts are flagged for do not show, it’s reasonable to assume your content will be shown less and less.  As for the using the same long list of #hashtags on every post, it is advisable not to do it. Instagram’s community guidelines clearly state that “posting repetitive comments or content” is not okay.

When creating a post, only use #hashtags that make sense. If you tag a post with #SandraLett, for example, your content must be something people will want to comment on, like, and share about Sandra Lett and her art.  The idea is quality over quantity….not about getting seen by a lot of people, it’s about getting seen by the right people. That’s how #hashtags lead to higher engagement and more followers.

Check Out Your “Competition”

By looking at other posts that are relevant to yours, you can discover new #hashtags to add to your repertoire.  Or going in the other direction, you could decide you don’t want to compete against them, in which case you can search for alternative #hashtags to use.

Use #Hashtags That Influential People in Your Trade are Using

Why reinvent the wheel?  If these people are already well-established with an audience that you are trying to get noticed in, why not use the same as they are??  Learn from the people that have already done the work!!

Use Instagram’s Search

Example of Instagram Search

Type a keyword that’s relevant to your brand into Instagram’s search bar and then select the Tags tab. Instagram will give you a list of all the #hashtags with that keyword, as well as a number of posts that are tagged with it.

A large number may mean lots of people following that #hashtag, but it also means there’s a ton of content on it and your posts might get lost. Experiment with a combination of popular and niche #hashtags to find your brand’s sweet spot.

Use Your Own Most Successful Posts for Trend Analysis

Look through your own posts the have a successful #hashtag.  Do you see a trend of related #hashtags that could be included in future posts?

When it comes to choosing Instagram hashtags, the golden rule is: use only hashtags that are relevant to your brand, industry, and audience.

#Love is one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram, tagged in over 1.3 billion posts. But your company is not going to attract those hashtag followers if you attach it to a photo of your boring boardroom.

Again, if you tag your photos with popular, but unrelated hashtags, you might be flagged as a spammer.

Instagram #Hashtag Best Practices

So what does all this mean to you, the “Instagramer”?  After all the above information, I have broken them down to some short, succinct best practices:

Don’t Use Irrelevant #Hashtags

Using irrelevant #hashtags in posts is behavior that can be labeled spam. It is annoying to people who follow those #hashtags and they will likely tell Instagram to “Don’t Show for this Hashtag.”  #Hashtags must be used strategically.  You will only increase engagement if you give the audience what they’re looking for, i.e., quality content that speaks to their interests.

Determine The Right Number of #Hashtags to Use

The Ideal Social Media Post Length for Every Platform

According to an analysis by TrackMaven, posts with nine hashtags receive the most engagement. But that doesn’t mean you should tag every post with nine hashtags, keep them must be relevant to the content.  The content of your posts must inform what and how many hashtags you use.

Use Specific #Hashtags

The more specific the hashtag, the more targeted your audience will be, and a targeted audience means a higher chance of quality engagement (Quality over Quantity).  Using a popular hashtag like “#followmeback” might get you a few new followers, but they’ll likely be the wrong kind—spammers or people looking to inflate their own follower count. These people will not engage with your brand.

Use Popular #Hashtag Sparingly

As long as #hashtags are relevant to the post and used sparingly, popular hashtags can help expand your reach without making you seem desperate or spammy.  The main part of using #hashtags in any social media platform is the marketing aspect of your brand….and who you are trying to reach.  If a popular #hashtag will reach those people, then feel free to use them, but do not overdo it and be labeled as a spammer.

Add a #Hashtags to Posts You’ve Already Published

You can add #hashtags to posts that you have already uploaded by tapping the three dots in the top right corner of your screen and select Edit to add to the caption.  You can also add hashtags post-publishing by tapping the speech bubble under the photo and typing the hashtags in as a comment.

Use #Hashtags in Comments on YOUR Posts

You can add #hashtags to your posts in the comments.  You cannot add a #hashtag to someone else’s post and have it work the same. To keep from cluttering your content, you can add #hashtags in the comments, and keep the reader focused on your compelling caption and content. 

This is easily done:
– Upload your content as usual but leave out the #hashtags in the caption box.
– Once your post is published, simply click the speech bubble icon under your post to leave a comment.
– Now write out or paste the #hashtags you want to include in the “Add a comment…”box and tap Post.
– Once your photo or video gets more comments, your #hashtags won’t be visible unless a user taps the “View all comments” button

Key Takeaway 

What is your key takeaway??  Be thoughtful about your #hashtags, which #hashtags you use, and how often you use them. Like any type of content you share on social media, it’s all about the audience. What are you offering? What’s in it for them? Why will they be compelled to engage with your post? If you don’t have an answer, don’t share….don’t #hashtag!