Morning in Gatlinburg
This morning was rainy and dreary, and good the view of the mountains across the valley.
#Hashtags and Tumblr
#Hashtagging has become the most popular method for categorizing posts, media, and videos on social media platforms. All it takes to turn a word or phrase into a clickable, searchable #hashtag is to attach the number sign (#)without any spaces. […]
Instagram and #Hashtags
This is the third in a chain of articles on using #hashtags for social media platforms. The first one “Social Media – Hashtags” covered the basic idea of hashtags, some history,and a little usage in the overarching scheme of social […]
Facebook and #Hashtags
This is the second of a chain of articles. The first article was “Social Media – Hashtags” and started the discussion on using #hashtags while posting to Social Media. This article discusses #hashtags and their use within the Facebook Social Media […]
Social Media – Hashtags
Hashtags started on Twitter in 2007, used to tag tweets into categories. Since then, #hashtags have been built into other social media platforms. They are still used to categorize similar posts, pictures, blogs, and media into easy clickable, searchable, find-able […]
16 Oct, morning and night
Took a couple pictures today… the first one was this morning as the fog was rolling in on my way to work, and the other of the moon as I go to bed… That is one of the good things […]